This original photography of the artist will be able really to impress you by the quality of its colors and its aspect 3D... Wood-cut priting possibility, to contact me...
Solitude et tristesse… Un arbre seul, au milieu de nulle part. Un arbre dépouillé, les branches dénudées… Il semble implorer le ciel et sa lumière vespérale qui décline lentement, inexorablement… Et ce noir qui l’envahit, peu à peu, des racines jusqu’aux ailes, ce noir qui l’engloutit… Notez l’absence du soleil dans ce crépuscule, choix volontaire de l’artiste qui accentue encore un peu plus cette impression oppressante de solitude… jusqu’à l’abandon…
Loneliness and sadness… A tree alone, in the middle of nowhere. A stripped tree, stripped branches… It seems to beseech the sky and its evening light which declines slowly, unrelentingly… And this black which invades it, little by little, of the roots to the wings, this black which absorbs it… Note the absence of the sun in this twilight, choice voluntary of the artist who accentuates still a little more this oppressive impression of loneliness… until the abandonment…
16 rue de la Safournière 63500 Issoire